Friday, April 24, 2009


I have a number of people asking how they should go about changing careers/retraining for a new career.

I am not a career counselor, however I know several. Here's the step-by-step plan I would do....

  1. make an appointment with a CAREER COUNSELOR (community college, votech, university)
  2. ask to take some interest inventories or career assessments (for free)
  3. talk to the career counselor about the jobs suggested from the assessments.
  4. visit and read about the career suggestions
  5. research and talk to people (votechs, employment security commission, chamber of commerce) to see what industries and jobs are needed for your local area.
  6. review your budget and look up the salary ranges for the careers in which you are interested (you need to know if you can live off the salary of your new career)
  7. make an appointment with the financial aid officer at each school in which you have interest in attending.
  8. make another appointment with an academic advisor to set up a personalized class plan.
  9. Find out and not the deadlines for applications, etc. - MAKE A PLAN