Friday, June 5, 2009

BEFORE you mail out your resume....

Before you mail, fax or email your resume,
  1. did you remember to add a cover letter?
  2. did you remember to obtain a copy of the full job description in order to ensure all pertinent information was included in your resume and/or cover letter?
  3. did you remember to call the decision maker to find out if there were any specific skills or abilities he/she might want that were omitted from the job description?

Every Tom, Dick or Harry will see an ad and whip up a resume, but some people do not understand they MUST include a cover letter.

However, most people do not have the gumption to obtain a complete job description and/or talk to the person who will be their supervisor. Many times ads and/or job descriptions are not complete...for a number of reasons....the administrative assistant and/or HR person preparing the classified ad or the job description may not have discussed desired changes with the supervising manager. Hearing what is wanted, from "the horses mouth" will provide valuable information as to what should be included in your paperwork.

Rehab training

Someone asked me recently, "in addition to federal funding and grants found thru universities and colleges, are there any funds and training for people who have been hurt and now have limitations?".

Since I am not a financial aid guru, I would not only ask my local colleges, votechs, universities and state employment offices about approved programs and funding, but I would contact the local state department who handles rehabilitation issues. In our state, the Department of Rehabilitation Services has information about training which is approved as well as funding.

Additionally, many universities and colleges also have a department which specializes in working with people who may need specialized services and funding. You might check with the Affirmative Action/EEOC office who should be able to direct you to someone or an agency/organization, which can provide assistance.