Looking for a job in today's job market takes time - most likely more than you have spent in the past. Looking for a job is a full time job in normal economic times, however now don't be surprised if you spend more than 40 hours a week looking for a job.
Are you spending your time wisely? Consider the following success rates....
1-5% of the people looking on the INTERNET have success finding a job,
5-7% find success responding to a CLASSIFIED AD,
7% have success responding to a TRADE JOURNAL AD,
14% have success working with their STATE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY,
47% have success finding a job by WALKING INTO A COMPANY and talking to the decision maker,
12 % find a job by talking to TEACHERS,
33% of the job hunters find a job by telling their family, friends and neighbors that they are looking for a job,
69% of the job hunters find a job by COLD CALLING companies from the phone book and
84% of the people find jobs by working together in JOB CLUBS and COLD CALLING companies and sharing the information.
So....how are you spending your time? Wisely or are you spinning your wheels?