Friday, April 24, 2009

Waiting to look for the perfect job?

I am hearing that some people who have been laid off are hoping to be recalled to their companies.

My advice, DO NOT hold your breath.

You need to be searching for a new job or working on getting into a new career NOW! With unemployment rates going from single to double digits, you have a ton of competition. It is a buyer's market and employers know it.

Employers know there are thousands of qualified, hard working prospective employees looking for a job. If you are giving yourself a break because "you deserve it", I agree, you do deserve it, however are losing valuable time. Your new job is being offered to someone who may not be the best choice, but (s)he got "his/her act together", was the first in line, sold him/herself the best and "closed the deal".

If you take a job and your former employer recalls you, deal with that situation when it happens, but DO NOT waste time giving yourself a break - that little break may end up being much longer than you planned and this is just the beginning of the layoffs - many, many more are anticipated.

GET OFF YOUR SEAT and ON YOUR FEET! Hustle. Sell. Close. Get that job!