Monday, February 23, 2009


Most people do not realize that approximately 20% of job openings are advertised leaving 80% of the openings unadvertised.

References will state slightly different statistics, but about one-third of the new hires found their new job from somebody they knew. This means, you need to be "yacking it up" to everybody you know! And, get yourself some business cards that are designed like a mini-resume (this blog site has a hyperlink to a place where you can get FREE business cards).

Telling everyone you need to find a job and what kind of job you are looking for is called networking. In addition to your friends, family and neighbors, have you told:
  • Your mail carrier (about 2/3 of the jobs are small operations and your mail carrier may deliver to businesses as well as business owners)
  • Your doctor(s), dentist, CPA, attorney (these professionals know you, have accepted your money and have a vested interest in you getting a job). Let your doctor/dentist know you are looking and give him/her a business card.
  • Your Bank Manager/President is also a good source for finding a job. These professionals attend Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions, etc. clubs, attend Chamber of Commerce meetings, socialize with other professionals and are always trying to persuade businesses to start banking at their establishment. Many times Bank Managers/Presidents know of job openings.
  • Hair dresser/barbers also have a wealth of information. Let your barber/hair dresser know you are looking for a job and give them a couple of business cards to pass to their associates.
  • If you go to a church, synagogue, temple or mosque, let your religious leader and members know you are looking for a job, what kind of job and give out business cards.
  • Do you belong to a community organization? Let the other members know you are looking for work and give them some of your business cards.

The bottom line is...if you are dealing with someone for any reason, let them know you are looking for work. Remember, about 1/3 of the workers found their jobs through someone they knew.